Finding the beauty in distraction
I believe that there is true beauty in distraction. We live in a world where our senses and emotions are constantly stimulated. From the moment you open your eyes in the morning and make the walk to your kitchen, there are hundreds of things that your brain could have analyzed that it ignored. Typically, we only focus on things that hold a deep emotional significance or importance in our lives. If I have a test that I need to study for and know the risks that come with doing bad on the test, things like what color the wall is, the piece of string on the ground in the morning, or the door being open 3 inches wider then it should be... become insignificant. But, when there are times in my life when a problem arises and I have had to deal with emotional barriers that can be almost crippling, I try to find the beauty in distraction. I take things that I would normally be annoyed from or get tired from such as extensive studying, reading, etc, and use it as a resource to keep my mind in a more positive and comfortable place. This helps me be efficient, overall happier, and grow as a person to later find healing or a solution to the problem in a more ideal way. In my opinion, this is the beauty of distraction.
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