Why is it important to keep pushing forward?

Although dark, sometimes it is important to remember the finiteness of existence. In modern-day society, it is very common for people to be afraid to take initiative and risks within their own lives because of fear of judgment or failure. When I was younger, I read this quote that stuck with me to this day: "A workout does not begin until pain arrives. From pain sometimes comes failure, and after failure comes the first steps of success." Although this might not apply to some people, for a majority, failure and struggle is a form of pain that becomes a blueprint for success. Have you ever been at a gym and you see those super big or aesthetic people at the gym and usually the most intense they get is on those last 3 to 4 reps on the set? It is because those last 3 to 4 reps are the most important in expanding and tearing the muscle fibers for growth. When you look at the bigger picture, the last 3 to 4 reps can be applied to almost anything in your day-to-day life: 

- You are studying for a test, and you set a goal to study for 3 hours but at the 2-hour mark, you want to quit. That last hour is crucial. It sets discipline, you absorb more material, and you are well prepared to study 3 hours the next time around. 

- Things just feel like they are crashing down. Life get's difficult. It almost feels like the world is against you. What you might not realize at the moment is that the last 30 min to 1 hour of that struggle or pain is beautiful. Because when it ends, you come out a stronger person. You learn to cope. You can provide your struggles and wisdom as a tool to friends and the world. You are now stronger to achieve your dreams and goals. 

The applicabilities of this are endless. But truly, it is important to always push forward. 


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